Introductory Letter

            Throughout my many accomplishments and discouraging moments in life, I have always taken pride in who I am, what I believe in, my values and the resiliency that I possess and continuously exude. I remain an exemplary individual who perseveres through adversity and tackles any challenges that life throws my way. I have faced many roadblocks, been successful in a variety of things and even have been knocked down low. Still, at my lowest I held my head high and picked myself up to an even greater height than I was before. Experience has taught me to teach others as I grow; hence, that’s truly what a leader is about. Today I will continue to thrive and as I prosper there are new lessons to be learned every day.

            On a brisk and clear Veterans Day of November 11th, 1989, I entered this world healthy, strong and fighting just as the veterans did who served this country. I was given the name Lyneisha Dominique Bright. At a young age, my mother said that I always displayed independence, intuition and relentlessness. At three I picked up a book and read it to its entirety. Not only was I able to read, I finished advance level puzzles quickly. In elementary school I experienced seizures. These medical occurrences caused me to miss days from school. I went through series of medical testing. I experienced times when I went to sleep and woke up in an emergency room. Those things traumatized me as a child, but they didn’t affect my academic abilities and persistence. I excelled with honors all throughout elementary school and by the end of elementary school my seizures were controlled and monitored by a professional.

When I attended high school, I remained an honor roll student and continued to expand my knowledge even through sudden illnesses. In my sophomore year of high school, I became ill with scarlet fever and stayed out of school for months. That didn’t affect me because, while at home, I completed classroom assignments, and homework. After healing, I returned to school and passed every final exam with flying colors! My science and math grades were so high that I was awarded the opportunity to partake in the City College Now program. I graduated from Thurgood Marshall Academy H.S in June of 2007 with honors.

I’ve attended two colleges, two accredited advanced training programs and gained experience in a host of diverse and unique work environments. My goals as a student at CCNY are to graduate with a bachelor’s degree in Biology and become a notable alumni. While in attendance at CCNY, I plan to be actively involved in student engagements. While taking this course, I hope that it can help me to form a stance in writing and facilitate my goal of making me a better writer. I believe that if I continue to review online databases and library resources it will help to prepare me to become a doctor. This class will help me to interpret and analyze medical and scientific literature which will be essential in the future. As of right now I am psychology major; however, I wish to study biology pre-med. Biology is essentially important to my studies because it’s the study of life and living organisms. The study of biology allows me to fully comprehend the human body, its resources, and even the potential threats in the environment. After graduating, I plan to pursue my studies in Medical School. I will continue making strides to complete my long-term goal of becoming a Neonatal Nurse. Life teaches you through experiences where you are destined to be but not who you’ll become.  I will be successful!


Lyneisha D.Bright